ryanveli.com, Ryan Veli, Natural Intelligence

Ryan Veli

Ryan is a highly attuned teacher who has a wealth of knowledge on topics of true global awakening and endgame survival tactics. Through his extensive experience within analysis, risk assessment and systems thinking he has developed a strong ability to accurately plan, mitigate and find solutions to the current changes happening around the world. His approach is intelligent, creative and spiritual. His intentions are to re-establish strong community bonds that will foster new living models for humans to opt into during these great times of change. Click here for Full Bio


Shahrokh Zadeh for BIOMED EXPO - ALIEN EVENT OCT 17-2024

Hans Dietrich Interviewed by Ryan Veli for BIOMED EXPO - ALIEN EVENT OCT 17 2024

Private Consultations ($300)

If you are looking for someone to help guide you with important decisions regarding the current wellness, spiritual or prosperity challenges we are facing click here to book a one-on-one session. Sessions are done via Zoom and last 1.5 hours. Time is limited so make sure to prepare a list of questions.

Business Consultations ($500)

Business consultation sessions are available for those with a strong desire to create a businesses that can be useful and profitable during these times of radical corporate undoing. As the corrupt systems crumble under the pressure of increased awareness, a new wave of activated humans are stepping in to birth forth healthier and smarter ways of operating businesses around the world. If you are one of these people and are seeking experienced advice on the nitty gritty details click here to book a session. Sessions are done via Zoom and last 2 hours. Time is limited so make sure to prepare a list of questions.

Consulting Agreements for Special Projects (15hrs Block $3000)

For serious projects, assistance with Strategic Operations is also available. Areas of systems development offered are: Planning, Policy, Training, Mapping, Analysis, Risk Assessment, Infrastructure, Process, Products, Operations, Knowledge, Contacts, Solutions, Motivation and other.

Anarchapulco is an annual voluntaryist gathering in Acapulco, Mexico. We discuss all things philosophical anarchy, offer engaging and liberating workshops.

"If we are going to create freedom in our lifetime, we need to explore alternative ways to build community, and remove ourselves from centralized institutions that corrupt and erode."

Past Events

Spring & Autumn 2022-23-24

Amazing and epic Biohacking EXPO/Conference in Las Vegas and Los Angeles  Biomed EXPO, the 33RD and 34TH of the 5D events is about an Health and Wellness Expo/ Conference for a better future with  Quantum consciousness, Functional Wellness, Brain Health Technologies, Scalar Technology, Stem Cell Products, Anti-Aging, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Space Science, Tesla Technology, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Awareness, Transformation, Sacred Geometry & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits plus Speakers meet and greet Dinner Banquet parties on Friday and Saturday Night.

"As a master of systems with a wealth of personal experience, I have facility in a broad range of domains with a focus on strategic planning, logical analysis, and objective based execution of goals. Whether your challenge is related to Digital, Business, Wellness, Spiritual, Abundance, or Personal systems there is a conclusive method to achieve your desires. Possible areas of interest may be, Planning, Training, Mapping, Analysis, Risk Assessment, Infrastructure, Process, Products, Knowledge, Contacts, Solutions or Motivation among other areas. Through the use of an Evaluate, Educate, Motivate, Remediate formula even the most complex situations can be broken down into manageable steps towards the desired conclusion. To aim for and achieve, the highest manifestation of your Self, project or endeavour. That is how I can help you. "


The trance state is something that is natural to all human beings. Once mastered, the state can be used in passive or active brain functions. One such function is the receptive or channel state which comes through differently for most people. While experimenting with altered neural states in theta mode, these trance drawings began pouring out. With proper training and practice you too can learn to change brain states with intention. 


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